Worth The Wait.

How It Started

I met my now husband, back in 2008. We worked together. While I had a major crush on him, there was a bit of an age difference, so I thought him to be out of my league because of that. We both also attended the same church and eventually became good friends. Now I have been through my share of bad apples, and if I had waited to be in a relationship when the time was right, could have avoided a lot of misery and heart ache. I mean, I’ve experience so many different types of personalities from 2008 to 2014. There was the sweet guy that fell in love at hello, whom we really should have remained friends. The heartbreaker who I saw red flags from day one and should have raaaaaaaaaan from immediately. The playboy, whom I convinced myself to keep around. There was also a single father and the one I thought had it all together but turned out to be manipulating and sneaky. Can you relate? Those are just to name a few. There were plenty others that I encountered and didn’t actually date, dodging some major bullets.

I don’t want to focus on them though. I want to focus on the one I got it right with. My hubby. It all started when we worked together. I would see him from day to day at work and I would get butterflies. When he looked my way, I would feel my adrenaline rush. If he came over to my area where I worked, I could feel the hair on my arms raise. This was no simple crush. I felt a connection I had never experienced before. When he spoke, he spoke with conviction. He was serious yet encouraging. When he looked at me, I could see a genuine look of care where I was concerned. When I tell you I tried hard to look into his soul when we talked, I am not kidding. I needed to know if he felt the same. Now I had all of this going on inside but, on the outside, I was as cool as a cucumber lol. He’s handsome and had plenty of the women employees already fawning over him and inquiring about him. I refused to be a part of the pack. So, I opted to be a genuine friend and not let him know all that was going on inside.

As time went on, our friendship grew and because I was not fawning over him or invading his privacy like the rest, and he was not trying to see what all he could get from me, we grew closer and closer. Fast forward to 2015. By this time, our friendship had seen a lot. Neither one of us ever crossed the line. There was one specific time I felt things headed towards more than friends and spiritually and emotionally I was not ready. At one point he moved states and we would go through periods of barely keeping in touch with one another. We would play telephone tag around the holidays. Christmas of 2015, I called him and didn’t get an answer. I made up in my mind, that I would not reach out anymore if he did not try to reach out as well. I figured, maybe our friendship had run its course. On the other hand, I was also done in the dating arena. If I am not mistaken, by this time it had be about 2 years since my last real relationship. I had made up in my mind, that I was not going to continue dating. I didn’t want any more bad apples. I wanted what God had for me and if it was meant to be, my husband would find me. So, I kept myself busy and abstained as well. I got in my Word and focused on my relationship with Christ. It started out hard but as time went on it got easier. I felt relieved that I didn’t have to cry anymore. I didn’t have to worry about being cheated on, manipulated and lied to. Being single became a gift and a relief. I started traveling and really making me happier. I learned  my self-worth and I gained standards that were lacking before. I felt God’s love and hand on my life. I made goals and started chasing after them. I began to mark off those goals and life just kept getting better. The more I sought out God, the more I began to prosper at everything I touched. I was truly happy! Christmas came and went.

Easter of 2016, I received a missed call. It was him. I was spending time with my family and one of my nieces had my phone, recording our gathering. When she returned my phone, I realized he called and called him back. I knew he was only calling to wish me a happy Easter, so I figured I would call him back real quick and that would be that. Only this time he said he didn’t want to take me away from the family so Happy Easter and would I mind calling him back later. I agreed and we hung up. I never called him back. I figured it was our normal holiday greeting and then we wouldn’t speak for a while again and I wasn’t interested in doing that to be honest. I knew if I didn’t call him back that would be the end of it because he would not call me back. Only he did

By matthclan

I am a mother, wife, entrepreneur, gardener and child of God. I love to share experiences that are helping me through life. I also love making videos for gardening, food recipes, baby stuff and more!!!!


  1. I wasn’t sure what a blog was so when I saw that it was not a video I knew I didn’t have time for it in my busy schedule but I decided I would skim through it to see if it was interesting. BIG MISTAKE!!! It’s a VERY GOOD READ and should be a book or better yet this would be an EXCELLENT MOVIE!!!

    1. Thanks for reading! I appreciate the comment. To continue following this story click on the “How it started”, category to find the next posts.

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