Seasons Change. Well, So Do We

Gala 2017
Red Carpet ready


It would be lovely to have your favorite season last all year but seasons change. Well, so do we. By this time, David and I had experienced several seasons with one another. I am not referring to summer, winter, fall and spring. I am referring to the different seasons and stages in one another’s lives over a period of time. For instance, we have seen each other sad, happy, mad and several other emotions. He’s gotten a chance to see who I become in a crunch and I him. Like how we react when our backs are against the wall. Or, how well each other deals with problems.

We get to ask ourselves if we can be with this person through every shade of who they are. Do I like who David becomes when he’s dealing with pain? Does he go off and punch a wall? Does he himself decide to inflict pain because he’s hurt? Am I safe with him when he’s upset? On the other hand, we get to peel back each other’s layers and get to the real. I don’t mean this to say, people don’t experience the real person when they first start dating. However, we all know that much like getting a job, people are on their best behavior in the beginning. Sooooo, spending time and seasons with a person, can allow us to see a person after they are comfortable just being themselves, no fluff.

Vegas Bound 2017

I think you pretty much know the drill by now. David flew in to my airport so that we could fly in to Vegas together. This just gave us more time to spend with one another. We took every opportunity possible to get that time in. When we arrived at the Mandalay Bay Hotel, we were eager to drop our bags and head out.

If you have ever been to the hotels up and down the strip, you know how the hotels kind of connect at a certain point. We journeyed through the hotels sight seeing and trying to figure out where we wanted to eat. On the way, we passed a jewelry store where David saw a watch head had his eye on. He showed me this gorgeous watch and just before leaving he asked the Jeweler if we could see how rings looked on my finger. Say whaaaaaaat?! lol

Hold Still

I felt flush all over. I was gitty. It was like a movie scene. I tried to remain calm and play it cool though. I smiled, as the jeweler turned his attention to me. Like a kid in a candy shop I went searching and pointing. David had his poker face on. I could see him taking mental notes about the rings that excited me the most.

After picking out a few, I zeroed in on my favorite cut and the jeweler was all to happy to let me try it on. “Hold still, I need a picture of that on your finger.” Snap, and just like that, David had gotten what he came for.

Sight Seeing

Now I wanted to take the time out here to give you all some of my favorite places we have visited in Vegas. If you are like me and you don’t drink, smoke or gamble, then you might feel there is nothing else to do in Vegas. Check this list out for fun things to do in Vegas.

And soooo much more!

Gala Seasons 2017-David and Markianna dressed in black and red cocktail attire
Red Carpet ready

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By matthclan

I am a mother, wife, entrepreneur, gardener and child of God. I love to share experiences that are helping me through life. I also love making videos for gardening, food recipes, baby stuff and more!!!!